lunes, 2 de febrero de 2015

The Fortune Readings Series. Autores varios

7 tomos presentados en un estuche

Financial Management in the 1960s: New Challenges and Responsibilities. Edited by Fred Weston 
Management: Challenge and Response. Case Histories. Edited by Martin B Carter, Charles A Ray, Walter Weintraub 
Guide to the Quantitative Age. Edited by Donald F Mulvihill 
The Global Businessman. Edited by Charles F Stewart 
Marketing: Change and Exchange. Edited by H C Barksdale 
The Regulated Businessman. Business and Government. Edited by John A Larson 
The Responsible Businessman. Business and Society. Edited by John A Larson 

Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Incc - Time 
USA - 1966 

303 + 275 + 233 + 264 + 322 + 302 + 295 páginas  
Formato : 14 cm x 22 cm (10 cm de extensión de lomos) 
Tapas blandas (de los tomos) 

Usado :  interior completo 
apenas gastado por el uso 
tapas idem

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